Indigenous House Consulting
SERVICES (wellness)
Cultural Ambassadors/Educators/Wellness Practitioners - Training, coaching, curriculum development and facilitation
Community Organizing, Event Coordination, Planning & Outreach - Specialists at organizing, coordinating and hosting events, forums and fund raisers
TAY (Transitional Age Youth) - Specialist in working with youth, leadership development, peer support, wellness groups and curriculum design
Keynote Speakers/Trainers/Presenters - Coalition of industry leaders, professionals, educators and public speakers Curriculum Development/Support/Grant Writing
Art Therapy/Wellness Coaching - Provide classes, incubation and retreat for individuals and organizations
Curriculum Design, Grant Writing - Experts at development and curriculum design, grant writing and support

Sankofa Media & Arts Project
This project provides a critical lens and analysis of film, music, art, history and literature as it pertains to current race relations, culture and identity. Grounded in the principles of Ma’at (Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Harmony, Reciprocity, Balance and Order), this exploration of self is designed to help students find their voice, purpose and healing paths to their authentic self. This class also addresses stereotypes, , identity, racism and prejudices and will provide youth participant’ creative outlets and tools for self-expression, journalism and the spoken word to share, narrate and create their own stories and journeys of struggle, awareness and triumph.
Sankofa Sessions
This wellness-based and culturally impactful curriculum addresses mental health challenges like trauma, anxiety and depression.
The Sankofa Sessions teach art, history and science from the African Diaspora, and includes various other indigenous cultures to heal historical and generational trauma, and positively impact current day behavior and attitudes.
The project validates the stories from our youth and adult allies to recognize and celebrate their survival and resiliency. www.sankofasessions.org